Mr. Collins Onuegbu, a dignified IT professional with 23 years unbroken experience in the IT industry; he has worked as an engineer, a manager, a consultant, and an entrepreneur. He is currently an authority in the Nigerian IT industry and Signal Alliance which he founded is a respected player in the field with over 16years experience in IT systems integration. His experience spans several technology infrastructures, IT management, IT and Corporate Strategy, Executive Leadership and Entrepreneurship. Hence his core professional vision and mission is to create world Class ICT enterprises in Nigeria through the design, build and effective management of ICT infrastructure in organizations that will drive the transformation of Nigeria. He co-founded Signal Alliance in 1996 and has been the CEO since then. He lead Signal Alliance to be become a major force in the IT industry in Nigeria and his steadfast leadership culminated in Signal Alliance winning numerous IT industry awards such as the coveted System Integrator of The Year award in 2013. Signal Alliance is listed in the Nigeria Fast 50 as one of the fastest growing non-listed companies in Nigeria for 2103. Mr Onuegbu is a finalist of the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2013. Signal Alliance turnover in 2012 was over N1Billion. He holds a BEng degree in Electronic engineering from the University of Nigeria Nsukka. He is also an Alumnus of the prestigious Harvard Business School as well as the Lagos Business School. He is a member of the Institute of Directors and a Council member of the Institute of Software practitioners of Nigeria AWARDS

  • Best Graduating Student , University of Nigeria, electronic Engineering , 1988
  • Signal Alliance: Partner of the year, Microsoft 2011
  • Signal alliance: Enterprise partner of the year , Microsoft 2012
  • Signal Alliance: Nigerian Fast50 2013: fastest Growing non-listed companies in


  • Signal Alliance: systems Integrator partner of the year 2013
  • Finalist: Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the year 2013


  • University of Nigeria Alumnus
  • Lagos Business school alumnus
  • Harvard business school alumnus
  • Member: Enterprise development Center, Lagos business school since 2002
  • Council member: Institute of software practitioners of Nigeria since 2011
  • Member: Institute of directors of Nigeria since 2003
  • Member: Computer Professional Registration Council of Nigeria(CPN)since 2012
  • Member: Ikoyi Club 1938 since 2007